Tips and Tricks for Maximizing Your
Indianapolis In-Home Newborn Photos

Congrats my friend! You’ve seen those two pink lines, you’ve told your families, you’ve watched that little one wiggle on their first ultrasound and you are SO ready to begin dreaming about having your first (or second or third!) baby in your arms. So, what do you do now? Well, it’s time to think about booking your Indianapolis in-home newborn photos!

There is a host of information when it comes to the best stroller to buy, the safest car seat to install in your vehicle, and there are a host of ideas for what to pack in your hospital bag.
But what happens after baby is HERE? Don’t these tiny newborn details deserve to be documented? I mean, you can’t really get that precious season back. Amid sleepless nights and spit up, it really is the best time to photograph your newborn baby and their sleepy, cozy self.
What exactly are in-home newborn photos?
In-home newborn photos are taken within your own home and with a lifestyle approach. This means that you get to relax in your own most-comfortable environment with your favorite people. The burp cloths are there, all of your postpartum care items are easily accessible in your own bathroom, and the baby feeding supplies are within reach. You don’t even have to walk out of your front door.
Sounds like a dream, right?!

5 tips for having the best in-home newborn photos
However, there isn’t a lot of information out there on how to truly MAXIMIZE your in-home newborn photoshoot. So, as an Indianapolis Lifestyle photographer, and as a mama of four myself, I wanted to round of up my favorite tips for new mamas so that you can have the best in-home lifestyle newborn photography experience.
Let’s go!

Tip #1: Choose an experienced in-home newborn photographer you can trust.
This seems like a no-brainer, but in reality it is the most important first step to really enjoying your experience. There are two things that really create a good foundation for having a LOW STRESS experience from start to finish.
First, you MUST have good rapport with your in-home newborn photographer.
This is not optional. If you absolutely LOVE their work, but you cannot communicate well with them before, during, or after your portrait session, the amount of stress you’ll experience will outweigh the photos you receive at the end of the day.
Do they regularly work with young children? Are newborn and family photos their speciality?
You are inviting them into your own personal space, your home. They should make you feel at ease like a friend, and not like inviting a guest you’ll have to entertain.
You may love your photos, but hate how you felt, and in my opinion, that’s definitely not ok. You deserve to enjoy your session.
My goal, for your Indianapolis in-home newborn photos is to give you the opportunity to be fully present with your favorite people. Absorb the moment. Live all-there. Ebb and flow with the details that make your own family sweet and unique. Enjoy the irreplaceable parts of the motherhood journey.
Second, you MUST love the style of the photos they create.
Scroll through their website, their Instagram, and check your gut reaction. Are you head over heels for what you are see? Does their work match your vision for your portrait session?
With a host of in-home newborn photographers in Indianapolis there is definitely one who can meet your needs and your style! The research is worth it to find the best fit for you and your family.

Tip #2: Prepare your wardrobe and outfits for your in-home newborn photos prior to going into labor.
Deciding what you should wear prior to your session will relieve SO MUCH stress in the long run. Bringing home a new little person who is 100% dependent on you is the best, but it also comes with a lot of new things to learn in the process. Becoming a mother is a LOT and it such a tender time.
NO ONE wants to go shopping for any type of non-sweat pants outfit when they are newly postpartum! Imagine, pushing a stroller through multiple stores, taking a newborn into dressing room after dressing room all while trying to find a flattering outfit.
Throw in baby spit up, diaper blow-outs, and postpartum sweating, and you’ve created a perfect storm of hormones and exhaustion.
You really DO NOT want to go into your in-home newborn photos stressed because you have no clue what to wear.
Instead, lean on your photographer and plan ahead.
Your in-home newborn photographer should KNOW what photographs best according to their photography style and they should be delighted to help you.
Besides receiving a guide that gives ideas for colors and styles that work well, My clients receive access to my complementary Motherhood Wardrobe. This Wardrobe is filled with lovely dress options in sizes XS-XL.
I send clients a link to an app that contains all of the different dresses, and they make 3-4 selections to try the morning of their session. When I arrive, I bring their selections steamed and ready to go, and they choose 1-2 favorites to use during their in-home newborn photos. Easy peasy, and takes one thing off your plate. Additionally, I always bring fresh white swaddle blankets to wrap your baby in (where they can stay comfy and happy!).
I’m always happy when my clients send me texts or emails filled with their questions and ideas for outfits for their family. This is never a burden, but rather like chatting with a good friend. It’s always nice to be able to bounce ideas around and come up with the best options for you, your husband, and your baby.
Instead of walking into your Indianapolis in-home newborn photos with stress, anxiety, and overwhelm from a long shopping trip a few days before, you get to step into these photos of your family with confidence knowing that you’re taken care of and you have just what you need to able to focus on the moment.

Tip #3: Send photographs or videos of your home to your photographer prior to going into labor.
Each home is unique and experiences good light at different times of the day! I do bring my flash with me to add a little more light if I need it. However, I really LOVE asking which directions windows face in your home. It also helps me plan when I can see where your furniture is placed.
Why is this information helpful to your in-home newborn photographer?
Seeing images of your home’s set-up gets our inspiration wheels going and helps us use your home in the best way possible. Here are spaces that are especially helpful to see in advance:
• The Nursery
• Your Primary Bedroom
• 1-2 main living areas (great room/living room/family room)
As photographers, we create our art with light. We always prioritize good light. It is what makes your skin look incredible, the colors sing, and heartfelt moments stop you in your tracks! Remember, your Indianapolis in-home newborn photos should be a reflection of you and your family, and the light and design of your home can play a role in conveying that.

Tip #4: Choose a light colored sheet for your newborn’s crib.
A quick and easy tip to elevate your in-home newborn photos is to stick with a crib sheet that is a light color or a muted color. Keeping the focus on your new baby is our goal here!
Bright, strongly contrasting colors or patterns are fun, but can really change the overall feel of your photos. If you love color, that’s ok! Just stick to a more muted color. Think soft or muted blush or instead of a hot pink, muted aqua instead of bright teal, and soft greens or muted yellows. Color and light work together in every image.
Choosing very dark or very bright colors effects your images. Keep in mind, they may not have a bright, timeless feel. Bright colors also reflect back on your baby’s skin and cause color-casting that you really don’t want. Light colors and tones act as reflectors keep the images fresh, inviting, and feeling calm.
Here are a couple of options to check out if you’re searching for neutral crib sheets!
Pottery Barn Kids has some great options for sweet florals and neutral options! You can find great options on their site, but I especially love these in pink or blue. This whale option is SUPER cute, and I love this blue toile! If you are looking for something more geometric, this option gives a more structured vibe without being distracting.
I also love how soft Solly Baby’s sheets are, and the simple patterns too!

Tip #5: Communicate with and prepare your family for your newborn photos.
Preparing your husband for in-home newborn photos.
If you have done a lot of research on something and spent hours figuring out what is the best fit for your family, it’s also super important to bring the rest of the team up to speed per se! Communicating with your spouse about your desires for portraits of your family, why these in-home newborn photos matter to you, and why you feel a particular Indianapolis photographer would be a dream to work with can go a lonnggg way when I comes to making your whole experience incredible.
My client’s husbands are always so attentive and are team players as they care for their wives postpartum and their new little ones. However, most people (generally speaking) do not have any idea what to expect when a photographer comes to their home to take in-home newborn photos.
Sharing a photographer’s website, instagram page, and blog posts can help your spouse understand the overall style of the photographer and what could be expected of them. Explain that they will not be in every single photo, that you want them to just have fun with your children, but how much photos of them with you and the baby mean to you can help build trust, understanding, and a relaxed experience for everyone!
Preparing your older children for in-home newborn photos.
Preparing your children is even easier! First, leave all anxiety and control at the door. EVERY parent worries that their child will not cooperate for photos. Remember, your newborn photographer should be skilled and specialize in working with children. They should be used to the wriggles, the five-second (or less!) attention span of a toddler, and know how to engage with them to create beautiful memories.
In-home newborn photos can be magical when it comes to including children because they are already comfortable in their own environment. Sure, everyone takes a little warming up when meeting someone new. That’s to be expected! Your photographer can work with that!
However, your children are already surrounded by the people they are most loved by, and the things they love the most. They can take breaks to play and have fun! Here are some phrases you can use with your child(ren) to help them understand what they are about to experience.
Here are some things you can share with your child:
“We are so excited that you are a (big brother/sister) now! I want to remember forever how big you are and how little (baby’s name) is. We have a special friend coming over to take photos of our family. Her name is (photographer’s name, and you get to be included the pictures with mommy and daddy too! Isn’t that fun? She is going to be here for a couple of hours and will need your help to create some pretty photos of us! I can’t wait!”
Avoid saying things like “you had better smile” or “don’t do your weird smile” or continuously practicing can make the situation seem boring. However, staying positive, upbeat and gentle as you explain what is going to happen can really help your child look forward to having photos taken. An experienced child photographer should be able to help your child relax and be their most genuine, joyful, self.

Bonus Tip: Have ready to grab snacks on hand for you and your family.
Everyone feels like they have a little more pep in their step when they’ve had a snack. Having nursed all four of my babies, I can tell you that nursing hunger is no-joke!
This also staves off hangry kiddos, and keeps everyone’s blood sugar a little more stable! Nutrition and fun can meet here. Bookmark this list and simply add to your grocery pickup order that you schedule the day before your session.
Wheat Crackers
Cheese Sticks
Animal Crackers
Dye free Gummy fruit snacks
Peanut butter or almond butter crackers
Pre-sliced and packaged apples (for older children)
Dyed candies
Messy applesauce cups or snacks that can spill on clothes (like yogurt)
Grapes or other foods that need sliced or that your toddler can choke on easily.

I’m cheering for you!
I hope you’ve enjoyed these tips and find them helpful as you prepare for your Indianapolis in-home newborn photos. Whether it’s your first pregnancy, or you’re adding another little love to your crew, I cheering for you! You won’t regret investing in being present and documenting these tender, messy, joyful, and exciting days!
(P.S. Isn’t baby Liam the sweetest!! I loved my time with his family and hope you enjoyed this sneak peek into their family’s in-home newborn session!)

About Katelyn Ng, Indianapolis In-Home Newborn Photographer.

Katelyn Ng is a lifestyle photographer based in Indianapolis, Indiana who specializes in serving families with organic, heartfelt in-home newborn photos. When she isn’t homeschooling her four children, you can find her outside in her backyard garden.
Want more information on what it’s like to work with Katelyn? Head here!
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